Bookish (and not so Bookish) Thoughts [23]
Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts is a weekly link-up hosted by Christine @ Bookishly Boisterous. The idea is to share 10 things that have been on your mind – bookish or otherwise.
Bookish (and Not So Bookish) Thoughts is a weekly link-up hosted by Christine @ Bookishly Boisterous. The idea is to share 10 things that have been on your mind – bookish or otherwise.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they provide a different prompt and book bloggers, like me, share top ten lists. I had already started putting last week’s topic together before I ignored my blog for 3 weeks and because this week’s topic doesn’t interest me that much I thought I would share the one I missed: Top Ten Books I Can’t Believe I Haven’t/Want To Read From X Genre Instead of Genre though, I chose author…and in no particular order, here is my list of ten Stephen King books which […]
This is my first blog in 3 weeks. I took an unexpected and unannounced break from blogging, and didn’t even log in to check stats or draft new ideas. There’s no reason for the disappearance other than not having the motivation to write. I didn’t read much in the past 3 weeks either! I’m going to be taking a relaxed approach to blogging until I am able to really get back in to the swing of things. If I have a sudden burst of inspiration, rather than sharing immediately, I’ll schedule for a later date. My hope is to eventually get […]
I am co-hosting Be Our Guest Fridays with Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories. Tanya’s blog celebrates books, family and life with rheumatoid arthritis…one small victory at a time. Each Friday we will be inviting our favorite bloggers and authors to share a blog post with our readers. Since we have left the floor open for our guests to choose a topic, we hope to share an assortment of posts that will appeal to the various interests of our readers.
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they provide a different prompt and book bloggers, like me, share top ten lists. This week’s topic is 2014 Releases I Meant To Read But Didn’t Get To. There were so many books from last year that I would still like to read. Most of them because they came recommended by other readers.
I am co-hosting Be Our Guest Fridays with Tanya @ Mom’s Small Victories. Tanya’s blog celebrates books, family and life with rheumatoid arthritis…one small victory at a time. Each Friday we will be inviting our favorite bloggers and authors to share a blog post with our readers. Since we have left the floor open for our guests to choose a topic, we hope to share an assortment of posts that will appeal to the various interests of our readers.
A great deal of my favorite books from last year were from debut authors, so it only felt right that I should start 2015 with another debut. This one, Before I Go by Colleen Oakley, was blurbed as “A heart-wrenching debut novel in the bestselling tradition of P.S. I Love You“. Although I still haven’t finished P.S. I Love You, the words “heart-wrenching” sold me on Oakley’s debut, because we all know that I love a good cry with a book.
I’ve been meaning to join The Classics Club for sometime, but the thought of putting a list of at least 50 classics together has been a little daunting. Anyway, the classics on my shelf and my kindle are gradually growing and I should really start reading them soon, as will as re-reading some of my favorites. With it being the beginning of the year, I figured that now was as good a time as any. The Classics Club has two primary rules: List a selection of 50+ classics that you want to read. Select a completion date up to five […]
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they provide a different prompt and book bloggers, like me, share top ten lists. This week’s topic is Most Anticipated Debut Novels For 2015. 16 of the 74 books I read last year were debut authors, and the majority were at least a 4-star read. Seven debuts even made it to my best of 2014 list! That being said, it can be difficult to gauge whether a book by a debut author will be a good fit for me or not, since the only thing […]
Happy New Year everyone!! I’m going to keep this short…Christmas and New Year were uneventful here, involving too much food, too much chocolate, not enough sleep but two very happy children!! I was spoilt too, as usual! We had a visit from the in-laws, who whisked the kids off to New York City for a night, which meant a well overdue date night for me and the hubby. We went for Sushi, and he bought me a bottle of my favorite champagne. We were able to sleep in, and then go to the movies on Sunday morning! We saw The […]