The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion

Posted December 24, 2014 in Reviews / 2 Comments

I received this book from for review consideration.

The Rosie Effect by Graeme SimsionThe Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion
Series: Don Tillman #2
Also in this series: The Rosie Project
Published by Simon & Schuster on December 30th, 2014
Genres: Fiction, Humorous, Romance
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
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The highly anticipated sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel The Rosie Project, starring the same extraordinary couple now living in New York and unexpectedly expecting their first child. Get ready to fall in love all over again.

Don Tillman and Rosie Jarman are back. The Wife Project is complete, and Don and Rosie are happily married and living in New York. But they’re about to face a new challenge because— surprise!—Rosie is pregnant.

Don sets about learning the protocols of becoming a father, but his unusual research style gets him into trouble with the law. Fortunately his best friend Gene is on hand to offer advice: he’s left Claudia and moved in with Don and Rosie.

As Don tries to schedule time for pregnancy research, getting Gene and Claudia to reconcile, servicing the industrial refrigeration unit that occupies half his apartment, helping Dave the Baseball Fan save his business, and staying on the right side of Lydia the social worker, he almost misses the biggest problem of all: he might lose Rosie when she needs him the most.

Graeme Simsion first introduced these unforgettable characters in The Rosie Project, which NPR called “sparkling entertainment along the lines of Where’d You Go Bernadette and When Harry Met Sally.” The San Francisco Chronicle said, “sometimes you just need a smart love story that will make anyone, man or woman, laugh out loud.” If you were swept away by the book that’s captivated a million readers worldwide, you will love The Rosie Effect.

The Rosie Effect is a book I have been looking forward to reading since the day I found out it had been written. That day was way back in May, and I thought that December would never arrive! Especially since, The Rosie Effect would be available in Australia and the UK months earlier.

To find out why I felt so much excitement for The Rosie Effect,  you have to go back to September of last year when I read one of the quirkiest love stories ever written – The Rosie Project (my review). 

The Rosie Effect picks up after Don and Rosie are married and have moved to New York City. Don has compromised with Rosie on some of his stranger habits, such as his strict schedule and standardized meal planning, and it is working out just fine. That is until Rosie gets pregnant!

Don had wanted to prepare himself for this next stage in their relationship with ample time to plan and research, just as he did with The Wife Project. Now he has just 9 months, and The Rosie Effect is full with laughs as the socially inept Don Tillman attempts to educate himself on fatherhood.

Despite his faults you have to love Don, a sweet man with his heart in the right place. Though, the situations he finds himself in are, at times, a little far-fetched, this only adds to the hilarity of the story.

While I enjoyed reading The Rosie Effect, and seeing how the characters from the first book had evolved, I think I set my expectations a little high. I expected to love it just as much as The Rosie Project, and even though it brought more to the table in terms of character development, there were just too many events that were a stretch of the imagination.

If you have read The Rosie Project and want to read more of Don and Rosie’s story then definitely read The Rosie Effect. However don’t rush to read the first book just so that you can read this one.


2 Responses to “The Rosie Effect by Graeme Simsion”

  1. Helen, thanks for a candid review of this one; I’ve got it on my Kindle, and will read it soon. I really, really enjoyed THE ROSIE PROJECT; in fact, I couldn’t stop telling people about it! Thanks to you, I will try to be open-minded and not expect too much from this follow-up; I think I’ll still enjoy it, because the characters are just so quirky and fun. Happy Holidays!
    Tara @ Running ‘N’ Reading recently posted…Race Day ReadyMy Profile

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